When accepting new person in the organization the stage of position adaptation is very important but often undervalued.
​For every person new workplace is a kind of stress, he has to get used to new rules, get acquainted with and get used to
unknown people, learn behavioral
norms and rules of company. To shorten the process of adaptation and to help the person to begin to work with maximum efficiency as soon as possible company management should pay attention to such serious procedure as adaptation.​​​​​​
Adaptation is a process of person acquaintance with activity and organization and a change of his behavior in accordance with environment requirements.
Adaptation process is a two-sided process. From one side the fact that a person
started to work in the organization
tells about his deliberate choice based on certain motivation of a made decision and responsibility for this decision. From other side organization is taking some certain commitments by hiring him for some concrete job.
Induction trainings are absolutely vital for new starters. Good induction training ensures new starters are retained, and then settled in quickly and happily to a productive role. Induction training is more than skills training. It's about the basics that seasoned that organization takes for granted, but not the new people who's just joined it. New people need to understand the organisation's mission, goals, values and philosophy; personnel practices, health and safety rules, and of course the job they're required to do, with clear methods, timescales and expectations.
On the point of values and philosophy, induction training offers a wonderful early opportunity to establish clear foundations and expectations in terms of ethics, integrity, corporate social responsibility, and all the other converging concepts in this area that are the bedrock of all good modern responsible organizations.
Professionally organized and delivered induction training is your new employees' first proper impression of you and your organization, so it's also an excellent opportunity to reinforce their decision to come and work for you.
As a manager for new people it's your responsibility to ensure that induction training is properly planned. An induction training plan must be issued to each new person,
before he starts, and copied to everyone
in the organisation who's involved in providing the training,​ so the new starter and everyone else involved can see what's happening and that everything is included. Creating and issuing a suitable induction plan for each new starter will help them do their job better and quicker, and with less dependence on your time in the future. Those who are not properly inducted need a lot more looking after, so failing to provide good induction training is utterly false economy.