Effectiveness: A Model​
​Envision: get clear on what you want
​Generate options: what CAN you do
​Choose: what WILL you do
​Act: take actions. Try something
​Evaluate: what happened. Return to #1
​6 Steps to Creating Achievable Goals:
With every goal you must follow the 6 P’s:
​Prioritize: You may have several goals. Prioritize them on your list.
​Positive: Use positive language. "I will …", "I’ll be…", "I’ll have…"
​Precise: Be precise. "I will have supper with my family three nights a week" rather than "I will be home earlier"
​Performance: Measure your performance. Set time for starting and completing your goal. "May 1 – I will be home at 5:30 three nights this week"
​Practical: Make your goals practical. Do you have the control to make this work or do you rely on other people to meet your goal?
​Personal: Is this goal a personal goal or someone else’s desire for you?
​PDP is defined as 'a structured and supported process undertaken by an individual to reflect upon their own learning, performance and/or achievement and to plan for their personal, educational and career development'.
PDP embraces a range of approaches to learning that connect planning (an individual's goals and intentions for learning or achievement), doing (aligning actions to intentions), recording (thoughts, ideas, experiences, in order to understand and evidence the process and results of learning) and reflection (reviewing and evaluating experiences and the results of learning).
​Performance Assessments (PA) are meetings that team leaders have with their teams. The purposes of the meetings are: to get to know team members better as well as track their performance and present ways of self development. Leaders can acknowledge or foresee problems, find and guide STARS in their teams and understand members’ expectations and motivation to work for AIESEC. PA meetings must happen three times in a term: before team starts performing, in the middle of the term and after the team finishes performing. In this way, it’s possible to align, track and evaluate all steps of the team along its way.